Calculation Diverse Types of Media (image, audio, video) to a Course¶

Last updated: 15 Feb 2022

In addition to text questions and text choices, you lot tin can also add various types of media (such as paradigm, audio, and video) to your forms. Having media in a form should sometimes exist able to help you lot express your questions and choices in a much better way.

Media in a form works both on Collect android app and Web forms (Enketo). These are the media files that are currently supported:

Media Files
Paradigm jpeg, png, svg
Audio aac, aacp, flac, mp3, mp4, mpeg, ogg, wav, webm, ten-m4a, x-wav
Video 3gpp, avi, flv, mov, mp4, ogg, quicktime (qtff), webm, wmv

This support article aims to illustrate how forms with media can be created with KoboToolbox. Follow the instructions outlined below to include media to your survey project.

Footstep ane: Download Form as XLSForm¶

Create a survey project in the formbuilder UI and then download your form equally XLS to add media settings to it. The formbuilder currently does not back up adding media to the grade direct then you volition demand to edit the downloaded XLSForm to complete this activity.

Step 2: Add together Media Columns to your XLSForm¶

The file names added to the XLSForm must match the file names you gave to your prototype, audio, and video files.

Adding Image Media Columns:¶

If yous wish to add an epitome to a question, then type media::epitome  every bit a column header in the survey tab of your XLSForm. Blazon the epitome file name along with an extension to the appropriate question but nether the media::image  cavalcade header.

Similarly, if y'all wish to add an image to a choice, then type media::image  as a column header in the choices tab of your XLSForm. Once once again type the image file name along with an extension to the advisable choice only under the media::image  cavalcade header.

Adding Audio Media Columns:¶

If y'all wish to add audio to a question, and so type media::sound  as a column header in the survey tab of your XLSForm. Type the audio file name along with an extension to the appropriate question just under the media::audio  column header.

Similarly, if yous wish to add together audio to a option, and so blazon media::audio  as a column header in the choices tab of your XLSForm. Once again type the audio file name forth with an extension to the advisable choice just under the media::audio  column header.

Calculation Video Media Columns:¶

If you wish to add video to a question, and so type media::video  as a column header in the survey tab of your XLSForm. Type the video file name forth with an extension to the appropriate question just nether the media::video  column header.

Similarly, if you wish to add video to a choice, and then type media::video  as a column header in the choices tab of your XLSForm. Over again type the video file name along with an extension to the appropriate choice just under the media::video  column header.

Pace three: Handling Media Columns for Multiple Languages¶

This step is for those who have multiple languages in their survey project.

You may accept a survey with multiple languages and desire to add various types of media relevant to specific languages. In such cases, you could follow the illustrations provided below.

Handling Media Column for Image Media:¶

If y'all wish to add epitome to a question, then blazon media::image  as a cavalcade header in the survey tab of your XLSForm. Type the image file name forth with an extension to the appropriate question just under the media::image::Language (language code)  column header.

Similarly, if you wish to add image to a choice, then blazon media::image::Language (linguistic communication code)  as a column header in the choices tab of your XLSForm. Once once again type the paradigm file name along with an extension to the advisable option just under the media::image::Language (linguistic communication lawmaking)  column header.

Handling Media Column for Sound Media:¶

If yous wish to add together audio to a question, then type media::sound::Linguistic communication (language lawmaking)  as a column header in the survey tab of your XLSForm. Type the audio file proper name along with an extension to the appropriate question just under the media::audio::Language (language code)  column header.

Similarly, if y'all wish to add audio to a choice, then blazon media::audio::Linguistic communication (language code)  every bit a column header in the choices tab of your XLSForm. Once again blazon the audio file name along with an extension to the appropriate option merely under the media::audio::Language (language lawmaking)  cavalcade header.

Handling Media Cavalcade for Video Media:¶

If you wish to add together video to a question, then type media::video::Linguistic communication (linguistic communication lawmaking)  as a column header in the survey tab of your XLSForm. Type the video file name along with an extension to the appropriate question just nether the media::video::Language (language code)  column header.

Similarly, if yous wish to add together video to a option, so type media::video::Language (linguistic communication code)  as a column header in the choices tab of your XLSForm. One time over again type the video file name along with an extension to the appropriate choice merely nether the media::video::Linguistic communication (language code)  column header.

Stride 4: Replace XLSForm¶

Upload and supercede your XLSForm into the existing project or create a new projection.

Step five: Upload Media Files¶

Become to SETTINGS>Media. Upload all media files that take been referenced in your form.

Tip: Collect all media files that you will include in your survey project. Provide a short file name for each of the media. File names with a infinite (e.g., "red book") is not supported past the organization. Hence, you lot volition need to either remove the space in between the names (eastward.g., "redbook") or use '_' for a space (e.g., "red_book").

Step 6: Deploy Form¶

Once yous take replaced the XLSForm and then uploaded all the media files, you volition demand to deploy your survey.

Each time new media files are added or changed, y'all need to redeploy your project for the change to accept effect. You lot can see your new media when previewing your class before redeployment.

Stride 7: Collect Data¶

You lot can now go back to Form>Collect Data, and then click Open to check if the media are properly displayed.

Blithe GIF files are currently not supported by Enketo or Collect android app. Adjustment media to a desired form location (left alignment, center alignment or the right alignment) is besides not possible.

Tips & Tricks¶

Identifying the filename, extension, and size of a media file on Windows¶

  • Select a media file (image, audio, or video).

  • Correct click your mouse when the media file is still beingness selected.

Dropdown select properties

  • And then select Properties.

  • Yous should now be able to see the filename and extension of the media file under the Full general tab.

Image properties

  • You should also exist able to place the media dimensions and size under the Details tab. If you wish to have pocket-size images in your question or choices, you will need to upload media with a smaller dimension, or vice-versa.

The media in an Enketo class volition have more than time to load if you have large files. Endeavor reducing the image, video or audio file sizes before uploading them to the server.

Image details

You tin can access the XLSForm here and the media files hither that were used in this article.